More About Me

Phyllis Muhovich

More About Me

Photo of Phyllis Muhovich

I’m a gardener. Well, I’ve also been an educator, school principal, instructional coach, and artist; the thread of growing things has always been woven into a part of who I am. It kept me sane while I completed my doctorate degree in education and kept me healthy through life’s challenges.

I’m Phyllis Muhovich and this blog is about sharing my passion for backyard gardening. While my current garden is in New Mexico, I have gardened in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. I love growing vegetables for family and friends, but I also grow flowers and herbs.

This blog is my newest venture. I’ve retired from education and now spend more time with my husband, Bill, caring for my very busy granddaughter and gardening. I also knit, craft, and paint.

I believe sharing information, growing tips, joys, and struggles helps us all to enjoy our gardening more. Keep it simple, organic, and fun!